Multiplayer mode is playable through both a local Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection, and a global internet connection. Gyroscopic controls were also added to the Free+ edition. The game originally featured an automatic cover system and a run function, but both were removed from the Free+ edition. All controls can be customized from the main menu. The player can also crouch, throw grenades, use their weapon's iron sights, reload, change weapon, pick up different weapons, knife enemies, mantle obstacles, and shoot using buttons and prompts on the touchscreen.

The game is controlled using virtual buttons on-screen a virtual control stick is used for movement, while aiming is achieved by swiping on the touchscreen. Whereas Hour of Heroes was a third-person shooter, Global Front is played entirely from a first-person perspective, except for when taking cover. Brothers in Arms 2: Global Front shares similar gameplay to that of the Modern Combat series more so than its own predecessor, Brothers in Arms: Hour of Heroes.